The Tuscola Homeless Coalition is a local non-profit, 501 (c) 3 organization established in 2000 whose mission is to prevent homelessness and provide financial assistance and resources in coordination with other human service agencies addressing the homeless population in Tuscola County, Michigan.
During Covid-19, I lost my job when the restaurant I worked at closed. I fell behind in making my rent payments and the THC was able to help. Thank you THC for helping me in these difficult times.
Muhammad Ali’s quote “Service to Others is the Rent You Pay for Your Room Here on Earth”
Prevention is vitally essential as Tuscola County has no homeless shelter. Families in need of assistance for housing are often referred to the Tuscola Homeless Coalition by the Tuscola Department of Health and Human Services, Human Development Commission, Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems, and local churches. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic has placed more individuals and families at risk for homelessness as employment interruptions have impacted many in our community.
The Tuscola Homeless Coalition is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of volunteers within businesses, clergy, retired medical serving from throughout Tuscola County, according to the Coalition’s Board Chair, Norm Daniels. Daniels stated that in 2021 the organization utilized contributions of $15,855 to assist 43 families, with the average financial assistance being $400.00.
Funding for the Coalition is dependent on grants and donations from local sources such as the Tuscola County Community Foundation, United Way of Tuscola County, local business community, churches, and individuals. Those wishing to make a monetary donation directly to the Tuscola Homeless Coalition can do so by mailing contributions to Tuscola Homeless Coalition, 429 N. State Street, Ste 205, Caro, MI 48723 (make checks payable to “Tuscola Homeless Coalition”).
What We Need
The Tuscola Homeless Coalition is a local organization dedicated to the prevention of homelessness in Tuscola County. It was organized in 2000 by a group of Tuscola County residents who recognized the need to assist those facing homelessness in Tuscola County. Prevention of homelessness is vitally important as Tuscola County does not have a homeless shelter. The Coalition works with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Human Development Commission, Tuscola County Behavioral Health Systems, Churches, and individuals to coordinate assistance for families facing homelessness. Coalition funding is dependent on donations from Tuscola County residents. The Covid pandemic resulted in a significant reduction of donations as businesses and individuals suffered economic losses and could no longer continue with their previous level of donations. Fortunately, the Tuscola County Community Foundation and Churches were able to donate enough for the Coalition to maintain a basic level of assistance to families facing homelessness.
Currently, the Coalition has experienced an increase in families needing assistance. At the same time, rental rates in the Tuscola County area have increased a significant amount. The Coalition is asking for donations from Tuscola County residents so we can continue with our mission of prevention of homeless in Tuscola County.
Donations may be made to: Tuscola Homeless Coalition, 429 N. State St. Ste 205, Caro, MI. 48723.